Leather Softness Tester HZ-3002

The feature of this testing tester is precision, beauty, easy operation, easy maintenance and easy carry. Leather softness tester is applied to measure the softness of leather and animal skins in order to understand the softness and hardness is uniform or not in the same batch of leather, or the softness and hardness is difference or not in a single piece of soft leather.
Contact number: +86 136 6988 3531

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Applicale Industry:
Leather Softness Tester HZ-3002 applied to test leather performance in shoes, clothing, luggage handbag industry, research laboratories; commodity inspection, arbitration and technical supervision departments.

Technical Parameters:
  Model: HZ-3002
  Load weight: 530 ± 10g (by a small pneumatic control valve drive)
  Amount Table: 0.1 ~ 10mm
  Volume: 12 × 49 × 16cm
  Weight: 4kg
  Configurations: standard test ring ∮ = 20 mm or ∮ = 25 mm each one


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