Technical Support

We are online 24 hours a day, and you can contact us at any time. In addition, our company has 3 technical engineers with more than 6 years of experience to answer your questions professionally.

Jason Xu

Professional technical second-level engineer, joined the company in 2000, more than 18 years of work experience, currently mainly engaged in the environmental testing chamber and other refrigerating system debugging, sample testing and after-sales service

William Liao

Professional technical second-level engineer, joined the company in 2014, more than 8 years of work experience, currently mainly engaged in the tension machine and other laboratory equipment debugging, sample testing and after-sales service.

Jack Lee

Professional technical first-level circuit engineer, joined the company in 2012, more than 15 years of work experience, currently mainly engaged in the rubber testing equipment and circuit system debugging, sample testing and after-sales service.

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