Dimension stone used in the construction industry requires durability testing. ASTM C99 describes the test method for the modulus of rupture of all types
of dimension stone except slate. The major types are granite, limestone, marble, and sandstone.
ASTM C99 requirements for determining the modulus of rupture of dimension stone include the following machine specifications and sample preparation:
Equipment: Testing machine accuracy within 1% from 10 to 1000 lbf.
Test Specimens: Sawed and ground specimens with smooth surfaces measuring 4" x 8" x 2.25". The 4" x 8" surfaces should be as close to flat and parallel as possible.
Measuring Specimens: Draw an 8" wide center line on the 2.25" surface for locating the upper loading block. Draw two span lines 3.5" on each side of the center line on
the 2.25" surface for locating the lower support block.
Conditioning: Dimension stone specimens can be tested in both dry and wet conditions.