What are the two types of Dynamic balance?

What are the two types of Dynamic balance?

There are two basic types of balancing that can be carried out on your machinery – Static and Dynamic:

Static balance (knife edging)

When we balance a section of machinery statically, its centre of gravity is located in the axis of its rotation. This process implies that it will remain stationary at the horizontal axis, without applying a braking force. The unbalance will be present even when the rotor is not spinning.

Low friction bearings are used to settle the component so that the heaviest part is at the bottom. We then remove material from the lower portion (heavy side). Or add on top (light side) until it rotates on a true axis. We repeat this process until the point that is heavy disappears and the rotor no longer rotates without assistance.


2.Dynamic balance (single and multiplane)

Dynamic balance involves the adjustment of an object’s balance by adding or removing weight. Firstly, we have to determine the components unbalance. We calculate this whilst it’s rotating at a predetermined speed. The information from this process gives insight into the amount of weight required to counterbalance areas that are either too light or too heavy. 

Reducing vibration through dynamic balancing also ensures the machine is running smoothly, with reduced noise. This inevitably prevents premature system failure. A component is only in balance once the rotation does not produce any centrifugal force or couple unbalance as a result.