Standard constant temperature and humidity testing curing box temperature and humidity requirements

The temperature and humidity testing requirements of standard constant temperature and humidity curing boxes vary depending on the application field. Here are some common requirements:

temperature. The temperature in the curing box usually needs to be controlled between 20°C and 50°C. For the maintenance of some high-precision instrument materials, the temperature can be lower, even reaching about minus 10 degrees Celsius.
humidity. The relative humidity in the curing box usually needs to be controlled between 40%RH and 95%RH. For some precision devices and high-end electronic products, the humidity is limited to between 30%RH and 60%RH.
In addition, for different samples, the humidity requirements of the constant temperature and humidity curing box are also different. For example, for the maintenance of bacterial seeds, the relative humidity needs to be controlled at about 50%; for the maintenance of culture fluid, the relative humidity needs to be controlled between 80% and 85%.