Eight elements of the selection of high and low temperature test chamber

Eight elements of the selection of high and low temperature test chamber
1, whether the user is in the selection of high and low temperature test chamber or other test equipment, should meet the temperature conditions specified in the test requirements;

2, to ensure the temperature uniformity in the test area of the test chamber, you can choose whether to use forced air circulation or no forced air circulation according to the heat dissipation of the sample;

3, the heating or cooling system device of the high and low temperature test chamber should have no effect on the sample;

4, the test box should be convenient to have the relevant sample rack to place the sample, and the sample rack will not change its mechanical properties because of high and low temperature changes;

5, high and low temperature test box should have protective measures.

6, according to customer requirements whether there is remote monitoring function;

7, the implementation of the test box in the cycle test must require the installation of automatic counters, indicator lights and recording equipment and automatic closing instruments, and requires a good recording and display function;

8, according to the sample temperature has the use of upwind and downwind sensor temperature measurement methods, the temperature and humidity control sensor position and control mode in the high and low temperature test chamber can be selected, the eye according to the customer's product test requirements to choose the appropriate equipment.