Carefully understand the mystery of the rotor dynamic balance process

 Carefully understand the mystery of the rotor dynamic balance process
The rotor of the motor product is a component composed of a variety of materials and multiple parts. The rotor carries the function of converting the motor into mechanical energy, and is the rotating part of the motor product or the docking part with the supporting equipment. In view of the particularity of the rotor part of the motor, the machining of the rotor parts is particularly important.
For rotors of large-size products, especially high-speed motor rotors, necessary control should be carried out whether from parts processing or dynamic balance process, such as shaft, rotor core, rotor fan balance control; The reasonableness of rotor winding design, wiring and wiring layout of the winding motor, and the technicality of dipping and drying process; Rotor casting aluminum process control and other links are not negligible links.

From the quality control principle of parts processing, we can comprehensively evaluate the product performance requirements and economy, and improve the comprehensive quality of parts through the processing conformity of individual parts; For the dynamic balance enhancement link, the priority should be determined, taking into account the actual needs of later use and parts exchange.